The Iron Giant Blu-Ray Case

Iron Giant BD Blu-Ray DVD Case 2011

Originally I was just going to make a simple canister that resembled the ‘S’ shield the Giant wore when pretending to be Superman, but then I had a eureka moment: why not use the robotic bolt that was featured prominently in the film?

Granted, this design is more toy-like, but this being a kid’s film makes it very suitable. However older fans might appreciate having a life-size souvenir from the giant robot.

And that is something I often try to do when I make these Blu-Ray case designs: incorporate something that is featured in the film, so that you are not only owning the film, but a memento from it as well.

Iron Giant 2011 DVD BD Blu-Ray Case design Collector's Edition

The Thriller album cover pose...

This design would feature a blinking LED that can be switched off. Reminds me of that Pink Floyd double album Pulse, which also featured a blinking light.

This case will also have a self-balancing base, so it can teeter about (like the animation above).

The Iron Giant 200 Blu-Ray Case BD Special Edition

Currently The Iron Giant has yet to be released on Blu-Ray. This is a bit surprising, seeing as the film has enjoyed several DVD releases, which would indicate that it’s a strong performer for Warner Bros.

The Iron Giant 2011 WB Tin DVD BD Blu-Ray release Case Canister

With Brad Bird’s other masterpiece The Incredibles bowing on Blu-Ray last week, here is hoping Warner Bros. follows suit with this classic film soon.

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Posted on April 17, 2011, in Comics, Films, Robots, Toys, TV and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. that is amazing

  2. yes please. if not a case then maybe part of the ‘collectors edition’.

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