Speak & Spell iPad Case

Speak and Spell iPad case by Dave Delisle

This one is pretty straightforward, an iPad case based on the Speak & Spell educational toy from the 80’s (you whippersnappers might have seen it in the film E.T.). Obviously those from the late 70’s and early 80’s would appreciate the novelty of this idea more.

I know it’s a kids toy, but as I’ve often stated I like things that are inherently nostalgic. I believe only a few geeks would have scruples about being seen with such a childish case.

I suppose the only downside is the ironic hipster vibe this design wields. It’s retro, filled with social commentary about modern electronic devices, and is intended for an Apple product. I should just delete this post. *Sigh!* I’ll leave it be. You hipsters don’t linger around here too long, y’hear?

The odds of this happening are super-slim. Speak & Spell is owned by Texas Instruments, not exactly a competitor of Apple but no ally either.

Sorry to pimp other posts, but you might dig this Crayola 3DS case.

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