Last Starfighter “Frontier Breach” Wallpaper

Last Starfighter Frontier Wallpaper
16:9 ratio Widescreen Wallpaper 2560 x 1600 Click To Enlarge

I have to say it would be cool to have real wallpaper (the kind you put on your walls) adorned with the a pattern made up of “The Frontier” seen in The Last Starfighter. For now a desktop wallpaper will do.

Initially I set out to have a wallpaper with only The Frontier visible, but it was a challenge. To get the scope of the Frontier, you have to zoom out, making those satellites non-nondescript green dots. To see those green Frontier satellites properly, you need to zoom-in close (losing the scope by having only a few onscreen). So I added the enemy ship to re-create a scene and maintain the scope. Hopefully it makes for a cool pattern that still exclaims Last Starfighter.

Above is the widescreen version, below is the fullscreen version:

Last Starfighter Frontier Wallpaper
4:3 ratio Fullscreen Wallpaper 1600 x 1200 Click To Enlarge

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