Voltron 8-Bit T-Shirt Now Available


Voltron 8-Bit T-Shirt

This 8-bit T-Shirt I designed for the folks at WEP a few months back is now available at 80′s Tees. Go here or click the image to head to the listing.

The art was altered from the original design to keep the color count down, but it does look pretty good all the same! Makes me with there was such thing as an 8-bit Voltron game.

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Posted on October 17, 2012, in Art, Robots, Video Games and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I love it. I might actually get one soon. I wish you could make a Pro Wrestling NES shirt with CM Punk. That would be awesome.

  2. Would love this in grey triblend.

  1. Pingback: Wolverines T-Shirt Now Available | Dave's Geeky Ideas

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