Mario Bros POW Block Alarm Clock


I found this really cool LED pixel clock, and it struck me as something that would be ideal for 8-bit or 16-bit video game clocks. The first thing that came to mind was the POW block from Mario Bros, which has a really simple look and would be ideal as a way to tell time. This device would be great as a desk or alarm clock.

The clock could cycle through the POW text until tapped (or hit) to display the current time, or it could just be a full-time clock with POW appearing on demand or on the hour or when an alarm sounds.

POW Block Alarm Clock by Dave Delisle

As you know I like to advocate violence towards alarm clocks, and the POW block is meant to take abuse! The POW text would appear when the alarm sounds, and it won’t go away until you hit snooze or shut off the alarm.

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