Back to the Future Wireless Charger And Bluetooth Speaker

BTTF Hoverboard wireless charger and bluetooth speaker by Dave Delisle

Seeing as some wireless charging pads look like skateboards already, why not enlist the most famous skateboard of all to be a wireless charger, the hoverboard from Back to the Future. Just lay a phone and top of the board and you’ll have enough power to traverse over water. Maybe.

The hoverboard sits on a clear plastic base to give the illusion that it is hovering in place. The design seen here is about the size of a keyboard, but could be made as small as a smartphone.


It has two Bluetooth speakers underneath. The speakers may sound fine with the board in its normal position, but just in case I included a pivoting stand. The phone can be placed on the stand as well.

One thought on “Back to the Future Wireless Charger And Bluetooth Speaker

  1. Dave, I love this design. I have always thought of wireless charging as something that would be of been a given in Back to the Future but I think putting the wireless charger into a hoverboard and adding a speaker dates this gadget at more like 2115. Would love to see if it would be possible to see an actual working skateboard use this - the ultimate gadget for the teenage millennial lol.

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