Game Boy Printer Business Card Holder

Game Boy Printer business card holder 2019 dave's geeky ideas Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

The Game Boy Printer is quite the oddity in the history of video games, but you gotta hand it to Nintendo for trying something new. Thought I’d revive the device as a business card holder, because geeks gotta network too.

Game Boy Printer business card holder 2019 dave's geeky ideas Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

The button, it does nothing. A push magnet keeps this closed (like those found on kitchen cabinets), just press on the top cover to release and open. There is a sliding lock to keep this fastened.

I wanted this to dispense cards where the paper came out of the GB printer, but that would’ve made this too big. I’m pretty sure this would be almost the same size as the original printer for that replica vibe.

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