Smartphone Racing Wheel Dock

Tomy Turnin Turbo smartphone mod racing dock ipad iphone wireless charging design toy 2020 dave delisle

Here is a dock design that can wirelessly charge your smartphone or tablet, and lets you play your favorite racing game as well. This is based on the TOMY Turnin’ Turbo Dashboard toy from the 80’s, and is inspired by this neat mod I saw on Youtube. There was a time when gaming peripherals similar to this were made for smart devices, I doubt such a thing will ever happen again.

TMNT Party Wagon Arcade Cabinet

I often wished the arcade cabinet for the TMNT games looked like the Party Wagon, thought I would share my weird idea today. This design made more sense when 4-player cabinets were huge and had large CRT televisions inside, but you could put a driving cabinet inside to make this an actual vehicle of sorts (similar to this old design of mine).

The blast shield folds up to reveal the screen, controls, and marquee. Otherwise it would look like the Party Wagon is parked in your living room.

Tried my best to make it look built of plywood and t-molding, so I do feel this is a very plausible design. Hatchback struts would be needed to hold the blast shield up, and the wheels would need to come from a riding mower, methinks.

BTTF EV Car Charging Station


Here is my take on an Electrical Vehicle Charging Station, with a Flux Capacitor base and Mr. Fusion charge connector. I believe this would be a fun addition to any garage, and would make plugging-in the Tesla a bit more enjoyable.

Video Game Pitch: The Stig’s Fastest Lap

The stig video game pitch 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas top gear

Top Gear has a “fastest lap” competition, where celebrity guests race against the clock. The racers use the same car, and drive on the same track. The type of car changes every so often, but generally speaking it’s an even playing field for all participants.

I think this formula would make for a killer free-to-play mobile game. I’m choosing mobile for this one, because this game is small in scope and quick to play — about a minute per session.

Planet Express Electric Scooter


This Futurama-themed electric scooter reminds me of Pee-Wee Herman’s bicycle, a testament to all that is colorful, retro, and zany. It screams fun to me, but I can see this being hideous to many other people.

Hostile Traffic Lanes

Hostile traffic lane speed bumps highway merging exiting diagram 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas

Imagine a lane of highway that is laced with bumps for several miles. It hates you and your car, and doesn’t want you driving on it at all. If it could talk, it would yell at you to move to the next lane over. WHY on earth would I share this idea? Because it might improve traffic flow on congested highways, at least that’s my theory.

Supercar Laptop


This was just a design experiment, to fuse some of my favorite things about Supercars into a laptop. There is a carbon fiber finish, some chrome accents, and a power button that looks like the Engine Start button from a Ferrari.

I was tempted to go overboard and add some gauges to display CPU temp, battery power, and FPS; but that was a bit too cheesy, even for me.