Cobra HISS Tank Tiny House

Cobra Hiss Tank Tiny House design by Dave Delisle

This is the last Tiny House design, I promise. I realized that people with the means to build an elaborate geeky-themed tiny house probably wouldn’t seek out this frugal way of life to begin with. So I’ll close out the series with this Cobra H.I.S.S. Tank design.

Transformers PC Tower Case

Soundwave PC case mod by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

Those aren’t cassette spindles, they are PC case fans which help keep your expensive hardware cool. It was that idea that launched my latest design: a PC tower case based on the infamous Decepticon, Soundwave. Consoles inferior, PC superior, the monotone robot would say.

Ghostbusters Tiny House

Ghostbusters Tiny House Firehouse by Dave Delisle

If you watch any of those DIY/home renovation channels on TV you might be aware of the latest home craze, tiny houses. These are small mobile homes which can be trucked anywhere with ease. I will now ruin this trend by making it geeky, starting with a design based on the Ghostbusters Firehouse.

TMNT Party Wagon Mini Fridge


I’ve seen quite a few geeky mini fridges lately, from Han Solo in Carbonite to Iron Man. While it’s great that there are so many options for geeks to choose from, none of them have grabbed me personally. So if it were up to me, I’d make a design based on the TMNT Party Wagon.

Slurm Vending Machine Fridge

Slurm Vending Machine Fridge by davesgeekyideas

Thought I’d design a fun fridge that looks and works like a vending machine. This would be ideal for any soda or beer company theme (Coke, Nuka-Cola, Duff Beer), but for this post I figured Futurama’s Slurm would be best.

Homer Simpson Desk


An office desk that looks like Homer Simpson’s control panel which looks like a partially-eaten donut. Not quite an Inception level of deep, but close enough for me. With this desk, you’d be able to “work” like Homer, which is essentially leaning back and putting your feet up to relax on the job.