Home Phone Clone Drone

Clone Smartphone design by Dave Delisle

It’s a phone you use at home that clones your smartphone like a remote drone. This is an overly elaborate solution for when you need to charge your phone at home, but don’t want to be tethered to the power outlet when you still want to use the phone. Do read on, I’ll explain.

Back To The Future Bluetooth Speaker

BTTF bluetooth speaker design 2012 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

This is a smaller Bluetooth Speaker that features a digital display concealed in the wood finish (like these alarm clocks), and a remote that looks like the component rack next to the speaker from the film.

The Versatile Bob-omb

Bob-omb by davesgeekyideas

This might give you some disturbing insight to my mind, but today I was installing the lights on my bike, I thought to myself: “You know what would be cool, is if they made blinking tail lights in the guise of a Bob-omb” Even just a flat disc-shaped version would be great.

Mirror Mirror Personal Assistant

HUD mirror mirror fairy tale personal assitant Alexa siri gadget 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas daves geeky ideas

Here is another design using Heads-Up Display technology (more on that here), a personal assistant based on the mirror from Snow White. This was inspired by a recent episode of Black Mirror that featured an interactive toy with an emotive face. Why isn’t there a personal assistant with an animated face?

Instrument Panel Car Stereo Deck


Whether it’s factory or aftermarket car stereos, I don’t think anyone has attempted to create a stereo that looks like a car’s instrument panel (the gauges behind the steering wheel). I could be wrong, if I am let me know in the comments.

Spaceballs The Coffee Maker

Spaceballs The Coffee Maker Machine design by Dave Delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

I shrunk down a vending machine-sized coffee dispenser to the size of a regular coffee maker, all so geeks could drink coffee in style. It features an LCD screen that shows the brewing in progress, as well as the time and date.