Weird Ideas And Musings

Transformers Vacuum, Skeletor Coat Rack, Automated Driver for Garbage by Dave's Geeky Ideas

Thought I’d post a few weird ideas that were sitting on the drawing board for awhile. From left to right:

Transformers Vacuum - This is a weird one, but a canister vacuum that looks like Decepticon Mixmaster. Transforms from cement mixer to vacuum. This could also have a Tonka appearance.

Skeletor Havoc Staff Coat Rack - Park your coats here or remove the staff from the base and use it as a prop to command your ineffectual henchmen.

Automated Driving Cart For Garbage - Automated cars will be filling the landscape over the next decade, but I think baby steps are in order. How about an automated cart that drives your garbage bins to the curb and back? It could run on solar power, which would charge over the 6 days between trips.

Transformers Vacuum by Dave's Geeky Ideas


Speaking of garbage bins, wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a latch so you can hook them together like a train and drag them out to the curb in one go? They already have a bar in the front for the garbage truck to grab, so you just need a hook in the back.

Switched over to the LED bulbs in my apartment. They cast a nauseating and sterile white light. Why don’t they make them emit a soft amber color like old-school bulbs? I miss the “warmth” of the old bulbs. It looks like a department store in here. EDIT: they do make “yellow” LED bulbs, but I have yet to see them on shelves.

I murdered yet another spatula with my culinary prowess. There needs to be true teflon-coated spatula that can withstand the heat and be gentle on your cookware. Seems like a no-brainer to me (there are a few marketed as “teflon” but they are just nylon coated).

Responses to these are welcome! Or share your own musings below.

Transformers Bunk Bed

Transformers Bunk Bed design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

Another bunk bed design, this one based on interim Autobot leader Ultra Magnus. His car carrier/transport alt-mode is ideal for a bunk bed configuration, with the truck cab being used for storage.

If you want to take this idea even further, you could park a few car beds on it (both given an Autobot makeover of course), but that would require an even bigger Ultra Magnus.

Side note: here is a cool Optimus Prime bunk bed that was made for a couple of lucky rugrats.

Floating Star Wars Landspeeder Bed

Floating bed landspeeder star wars design by Dave Delisle 2015 davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

Here is another bed design that I discarded a few months ago, because several others beat me to the punch. I’m posting it now because I felt there needed to be a design that was more functional and aimed at grown-ups.

The side engines are drawers, the top engine is a foldaway lamp. The sides of the mattress could be enclosed into the Landspeeder, but my preference is for an unobstructed mattress.


The bed would float from a small box frame underneath, or clear acrylic feet shown here. LED running lights could be placed underneath, which is all the rage with floating beds nowadays.

Ghostbusters Bunk Bed


Actually started on this one before the Jurassic Park bunk bed, but stopped because I felt it looked too much like a School Bus. Thought I’d share it now because it’s still fun to look at.

The ladder is usually on the passenger side of the vehicle, however I moved it over for presentation purposes. The front of the Ecto-1 would serve as a trunk for storage.

Kingsman: The Secret Service Wallpapers

Kingsman The Secret Service and Valentine wallpapers by davesgeekyideas

Sorry I haven’t posted in ages! I’ve been swamped. Here are 2 new wallpapers for Kingsman: The Secret Service.

The Kingsman get a couple of desktop wallpapers, while Valentine gets a wallpaper for all the mobile devices. Both designs are accurate to the film.

Star Wars Cooler

Star Wars sandcrawler beach cooler design by Dave Delisle 2015 dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

As you probably know, geeks enjoy going to the beach so they can kick sand at helpless muscleheads, because we need to assert our dominance constantly. All of the taunting and bullying can make a geek thirsty, so it’s imperative to keep cold beverages nearby. With that dilemma in mind, I give you: the Sandcrawler cooler!