Toy Chest That Transforms Into A Playset

Toy Chest Transforms Into Playset Storage Dollhouse Trunk Chest 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

I attempted this design a year or so ago, but when I finished it the thing looked like a deathtrap so I shelved it, and opted to post this instead. This time I took child safety into consideration (for once) and made a super-simple toy chest that transforms into a playset.

Hot Wheels Raspberry Pi Case

Hot Wheels Raspberry Pi Case 2017 Dave Delisle

I’ve been wanting to design a case for the Raspberry Pi for years now, so I’m happy to share this concept with you today. This is cheating a bit, as it based on an existing computer, the ill-fated Hot Wheels PC from the 90’s. Those were crazy times, entire desktop PCs marketed towards spoiled brats.

Racing Game Proposal: Head-On Combat Zones

Racing Track design by Dave Delisle

The last post which featured Mario Karters running amok all over the track got me thinking: wouldn’t it be cool if you could combat other racers head-on for brief stretches?

How it works: The racers are split into 2 groups. They race on two tracks (that are mirror opposites) which are conjoined in small stretches (“Chaos Zones”, in light gray in above image), allowing racers to combat each other head-on. The start/finish line is placed on a conjoined section.

Car Dealership Idea: Hot Wheels Sign

Car Dealership SIgn 2011 Hot Wheels Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

If I were to open a car dealership the first order of business would be a sign, one that is essentially a giant Hot Wheels package containing an actual car.

Not only would it serve as eye-catching signage, but it would also serve to highlight a particular car - much like dealerships do when they place a single car on a ramp or display stand to make it stand out from the lot.