Pinball Smartphone Cradle


Just add a smartphone or Nintendo Switch to this cradle/controller and you can play pinball video games. The bumper buttons and table-like orientation allow players to enjoy pinball just like they were playing on a real machine.

But wait, there’s more! Just slide the marquee and stand the device upright and it is now an arcade cabinet.


The marquee slides on rails, allowing this to transform between pinball and arcade configurations. The marquee sign is a loose flap that swings down automatically in both modes, thanks to gravity.


I haven’t figured out how to lock the marquee in place just yet. I’m thinking of a rail system that “hooks” on both ends. Maybe magnets could be used as well.

The marquee doesn’t even need to be on rails. It can be a detachable cover that is manually moved from one position to the other. I was just being fancy here.

For smartphones the display should automatically reorient itself for both modes. A Nintendo Switch may need to be adjusted between both modes for the games to display properly. I could also see this device coming with a built-in screen like those Basic Fun Mini Cabinets.

I forgot to add a plunger for the pinball mode, my bad.

3 thoughts on “Pinball Smartphone Cradle

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