Nintendo Switch Protective Case Design

nintendo switch case design donkey kong nintendo 2019 dave delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

This can also be done with Pikachu and his tail, however I went with Donkey Kong because I dig his tie. This is a protective case with a picture frame stand and game storage. Do read on!

Donkey Kong protective Nintendo switch case cover design 2019 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

The stand kicks out to reveal game storage. Can probably stuff a stylus in there too.

Donkey Kong protective Nintendo switch case cover design 2019 Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

The tie doubles as a picture frame stand, allowing for the Switch to sit in landscape and portrait orientations. Does the Switch have any games or apps that run in portrait mode?

This is not a critique of the built-in Switch stand, I just wanted some game storage because the carts are so small. A bigger stand could accommodate this storage feature.

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