Open World Zombie Video Game Idea

Zombie Open World Games

Sick of zombie video games? Well I have one idea that I hope is the mother-of-all zombie games: an open world (think Grand Theft Auto) zombie game, where it’s you in a decaying city filled with zombies.

EA NHL 16-Bit Figurines

NHL 94 Figurines design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

When I was a kid I used to own the Wayne Gretzky Overtime table hockey set. Every hockey player, including those that came with the table, came with a little stand so you can display them when they’re not affixed to the table.*

I mention these table hockey players because they were small and fun to collect (and even customize). I’m hoping that one day a similar approach could be taken with NHL players from the EA 16-bit era (NHL Hockey 92, NHLPA 93, NHL 94 - NHL 97). These small figurines would be a blast to collect.

*These stands were great because you can snap them together to make a big team stand. A similar approach could be used for the EA figurines too.

Vancouver Skytrain Map - Super Mario 3 Style

UPDATE: A new version of the map has been made, check it out here.

Original post as follows:

Mario Bors 3 Skytrain Map Vancouver NES Nintendo Expo Millennium Line Canada Line 2011 2012
Click To Enlarge

Here is a Skytrain map which was inspired by actual maps I have seen in the trains and stations. I hope you enjoy it!