Open World Zombie Video Game Idea

Zombie Open World Games

Sick of zombie video games? Well I have one idea that I hope is the mother-of-all zombie games: an open world (think Grand Theft Auto) zombie game, where it’s you in a decaying city filled with zombies.

Car Dealership Idea: Hot Wheels Sign

Car Dealership SIgn 2011 Hot Wheels Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

If I were to open a car dealership the first order of business would be a sign, one that is essentially a giant Hot Wheels package containing an actual car.

Not only would it serve as eye-catching signage, but it would also serve to highlight a particular car - much like dealerships do when they place a single car on a ramp or display stand to make it stand out from the lot.

Rushmore Blu-Ray Case

Rushmore Blu-Ray case design by davesgeekyideas

Given the opportunity to make a special edition for this film, I would make a ‘Max Fischer Yearbook Edition’, which would copy the book seen early in the film.

This is a similar design to the Princess Bride book + Blu-Ray combo from a few months back, but I added a slipcase to it. Seeing as this addition is a sort of jacket, I made it look like a Rushmore-crested jacket from the film.

BTTF Auto-Lace Shoes

Nike MAG shoes

There has been much hoopla these past 24 hours regarding the announcement of Nike’s Air Mag shoe, which is an official Back to the Future licensed shoe. They are based on those futuristic ‘power-lace’ shoes Marty McFly wore in BTTF II. Read more about them here.

Vancouver Skytrain Map - Super Mario 3 Style

UPDATE: A new version of the map has been made, check it out here.

Original post as follows:

Mario Bors 3 Skytrain Map Vancouver NES Nintendo Expo Millennium Line Canada Line 2011 2012
Click To Enlarge

Here is a Skytrain map which was inspired by actual maps I have seen in the trains and stations. I hope you enjoy it!

TMNT Blu-Ray Case

TMNT Party Wagon Blu-Ray case design by Dave Delisle

This is my least original creation! And for a few reasons: there has already been a pizza-themed box set for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and this is a shameless rip-off of the excellent Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine DVD box set. However this being a design I would want to buy, I may as well throw it out there. Plus it was fun to make, so why not.

UPDATE (Aug 27/2012): There is now an official release of a TMNT collection in a turtles van. Below is a pic, more details can be found here.

TMNT Party Wagon Blu-Ray Case