Mirror Mirror Personal Assistant

HUD mirror mirror fairy tale personal assitant Alexa siri gadget 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas daves geeky ideas

Here is another design using Heads-Up Display technology (more on that here), a personal assistant based on the mirror from Snow White. This was inspired by a recent episode of Black Mirror that featured an interactive toy with an emotive face. Why isn’t there a personal assistant with an animated face?

Magic 8-Ball Personal Assistant


The Magic 8-Ball is a toy that people interacted with much like they would with today’s personal assistants Alexa or Siri; they asked questions, the 8-Ball provided answers, albeit random ones. Amazon’s Echo Spot devices inspired me to draw up this design.

iTunes Bluetooth Speaker


Apple is currently in the middle of killing iTunes, thought I’d commemorate this grim occasion by putting together a Bluetooth speaker design. I felt reincarnating iTunes in the form of a jukebox would be appropriate.

Toy Chest That Transforms Into A Playset

Toy Chest Transforms Into Playset Storage Dollhouse Trunk Chest 2019 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

I attempted this design a year or so ago, but when I finished it the thing looked like a deathtrap so I shelved it, and opted to post this instead. This time I took child safety into consideration (for once) and made a super-simple toy chest that transforms into a playset.

Space Cadet Pinball Handheld Device

space cadet pinball handheld device design by Dave's Geeky Ideas dave delisle davesgeekyideas

This is handheld gaming device in the same vein as that Oregon Trail handheld that came out a few years ago. It features a 16:9 LCD screen, making this device the size of a small smartphone. It is held like a Game Boy, featuring 2 buttons on the front to control the paddles, and an analog nub in the middle to control the pinball shooter/plunger.

Motorized Self-Driving Cars For LEGO


I was watching a recent video from YouTuber JANGBRICKS, where he was trying to devise a way to get his LEGO cars to move about his LEGO city (5:36 mark), and I think there is a pretty cool solution to his problem but it would require a lot of help from a company called Anki.