Zelda Hookshot Pendant

Zelda Hookshot Necklace Jewelry

A pendant of Link with his trusty hookshot serving as a chain, what’s not to like? It’s a lot friendlier than my original idea, which was based on Attack On Titan (where you are the titan). You could probably do a standalone hookshot necklace, but the addition of the character truly completes this design.

It looks a bit bulky above, but ideally it would be very small, something like this (sorry I couldn’t find a better picture to work with):

If you’re interested in seeing other geeky jewelry designs, please head here. Speaking of which, I’m going to stop using the “Geek Bling” header for all jewelry posts from here on out. I only expected to do a couple of these posts in all honesty. Also the word bling seems really outdated already!

6 thoughts on “Zelda Hookshot Pendant

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