The Super Campus

Super Campus by Dave Delisle

Wouldn’t it be cool if the Avengers HQ was an actual University Campus? Accompanied by dorms that looked the Xavier Mansion? Both locales are places I’d love to visit in real life; but as tourist traps there wouldn’t be much to them (save for the basement in the X-mansion), so it would be more worthwhile if they served as institutions of learning.

It’s just a dream right now, but I could envision several tech companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook coming together to build such a school. I would only stipulate they build it in upstate New York to keep things authentic. Maybe Fox and Disney can also chip in, as such a place would allow them to film on location.

In the vein of Tony Stark this could be a technical institute, however I’d be happy with any specialty like medicine or science. Law school wouldn’t work — this isn’t a breeding ground for villains, haha.

Posted on September 6, 2016, in Architecture, Films and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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