Ghostbusters Electrical Panel Cover

Ghostbusters ecto containment unit electrical panel cover design 2016 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

Seeing as the Ecto Containment Unit is a wall-mounted hub where many wires originate, I figured it would be a fun way to conceal electrical panels found in households (more so if the panel is in the basement). Your circuit breakers would now reside in a ghost prison.

Ghostbusters ecto containment unit electrical panel cover design 2016 dave delisle davesgeekyideas dave's geeky ideas

Instead of creating an electrical panel shaped like the Ecto Containment Unit, I felt a separate cover that sits atop an existing electrical panel would be easier and cheaper to install. The design is modular so it can safely bypass all the wiring.

Super Mario Furniture


Here is another design from the cutting room floor, a couch and chair based on the first level from Super Mario 3. I put this together a few years ago, but it struck me as Pee-Wee’s Playhouse-ish in appearance so I shelved it. Thought I’d share it now because it’s a fun design.

Howl’s Moving Castle Deadbolt And Doorbell

Howl's Moving Castle Door

Here are some ideas that would bring some personality to your home’s front door: a deadbolt and doorbell fashioned after the ones seen on the “magic teleportation door” from Howl’s Moving Castle. Now you can exit the house in style!

Super Mario Bathroom Sink Fixtures

Super Mario Bathroom Sink Fixtures

When it comes to indoor plumbing why not have a Super Mario-themed bathroom sink? You got your mushroom handles, a Warp Pipe faucet, and a Piranha Plant that acts as the lever for the drain plug thingy. You could also enlist a Chain Chomp to act as a drain stopper for an older sink.

Note: it’s not very apparent here, but on top of the mushrooms are round-shaped H and C letters to indicate hot and cold water.

Zelda Lawn Ornaments

Zelda Lawn Ornaments Dave Delisle

So that last post got me thinking about how great it would be for a city park to adopt a Zelda layout, enough to get me thinking about doing a crowdfunding project (still mulling it over). My thoughts then migrated to something a little closer to home - the backyard to be exact. How cool would it be decorate the yard with Zelda-themed lawn ornaments in the style of item pickups? This is a million times better than gnomes!*

These would be ornaments with a little peg underneath that you’d plug into the lawn anywhere you want. It would look like Link invaded your property and struck down all the shrubs (he has issues).

I think this would be a fun DIY project for lawn-loving geeks. I have no idea how you’d make such large Rupees though (any thoughts out there?). For safety reasons I’d want the arrows made out of rubber (or something not stabby in general, as we’ve learned from lawn darts).

*The opinions expressed by this blogger do reflect those of this blog, and should be completely embraced by you without hesitation.

Monopoly Real Estate Sign

Monopoly real estate sign signage design by Dave Delisle Dave's Geeky Ideas davesgeekyideas

Here is a simple sign design for Realtors, based on the board game Monopoly. The sign itself is like a property space from the game, and there is a house at the top of the mast (could be a red hotel if this was a commercial property).

Note: a few Realtors have asked me if they could run with this. I think it’s mostly safe but I’m not a lawyer so proceed at your own risk.