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If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 15: Skyscraper Comic Book Display Case

Daily Planet Metropolis Superman Comic Book Case Display Lights 2011 IKEA Geeky

I recently used a Comic Book rack for Blu-Ray movies earlier in the IKEA series, so where does that leave actual comic books? Perhaps a bookshelf/display case shaped like the Daily Planet will fit the bill.

Of course it could be another comic book building such as the Daily Bugle or the Baxter Building, but for the purposes of this idea the Daily Planet is the most iconic. Certainly doesn’t hurt being affiliated with Superman either.

This design is based on those fancy china cabinets, which are typically fitted with glass doors and interior lighting. I thought I’d add some exterior flood lights too, much like a skyscraper would have.

Daily Planet Comic Book Display Case Illumnated Metropolis DC 2011 IKEA

Besides the lights and the spinning globe, the ledges on the building would be ideal to display your action figures (as seen above). A few other odds and ends could be added, like flag poles, gargoyles, blinking red lights (markers for air traffic), and so forth.

I think the lighting and glass - while crucial in making this appear just like a building - adds luxury and class to the overall look. It’s a great way to display your comics.

This particular design is only about 7 feet tall, so there is room for growth. A few imperatives: a switch to turn off both the lights and Daily Planet globe, and the glass has to be specially-coated to preserve the books from damaging UV light.

I’d love to have one of these for my books, games, films, and other assorted geeky wares.

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Geek Bling Part 4: The Iron Giant

Iron Giant Jewelry Pendant Chain Cufflinks Tie Clip 2011 Warner Brothers

In the film The Iron Giant, the titular character idolizes Superman. In one scene, the Giant even takes to cosplay (before cosplay was even cool) and wears a giant ‘S’ to emulate his hero. He likes Superman so much, that he even decides to use his laser vision on Hogarth.

Fortunately the boy survives. The scene however establishes the fact that Director Brad Bird likes to try and murderize kids in his films, a trait that has earned him much acclaim.

Going back to that ‘S’ shield the Giant is wearing - I think it would make for a number of decent accessories for the discriminating geek. A chain, tie clip, or a set of cufflinks. It’s a very simple and versatile design.

The best thing about these is that they would appeal to both Iron Giant and Superman fans alike. Though it may inspire people to try and talk like Vin DIesel: ” I LIVE for this STUFF!” (sorry had to censor - this is a PG-13 website).

The chain or tie clip would feature the ‘S’ on the wearer’s chest, which is appropriate to the film. I personally see the chain being the most popular item, as few geeks resort to wearing sports jackets or nooses - er, ties. I meant ties.

In related news, Vin Diesel has announced a new film called The Machine where he plays a Terminator-esque robot/cyborg, who has to chaperone a bunch of kids. It is the Iron Giant meets The Pacifier. Well, at least we have a new Riddick to look forward to!

Geek Bling Part 1: Superman

Geek Bling is a followup to the Watch This series, wherein I try to address the shortage of bling geared towards fashionable geeks.

This one is pretty simple - a scaled-down replica of the Kryptonite chain that Superman wore (against his will) in the first movie. It was cleverly bestowed upon the Man of Steel by Lex Luthor.

Sure it’s not much to look at, but would come in handy during times you’re not 100%. Make a mistake? Blame the Kryptonite chain you are wearing. All will be forgiven.

It really pains me to say this, but the makers of Smallville did something right in allowing fans to buy a replica of the Kryptonite chain worn by Lana in the first few seasons of the show. Very forward thinking. But alas, nothing from the first film is available.

Superman Phantom Zone Picture Frame

Superman Zod Kneel Before Zod Phantom Zone Crystal Prison Picture Frame Spinning GIF

"You WILL BOW before me JOR-EL!"

The Phantom Zone is a prison created by Superman’s father Jor-El. The prison is a sort of limbo dimension that criminals forever reside in. The Phantom Zone has appeared in numerous forms throughout the Superman mythos, but this gadget pays tribute to the version that has appeared in the first two Superman films, and to a smaller extent on Smallville.

This version appears as a crystal that floats aimlessly through space, depicting it’s prisoner in a flat 2D manner, much like a photograph. Exactly why this would make for an AWESOME picture frame.

However the problem lies in who you want to be depicted as ‘imprisoned’ in this frame. I’d wager this would be suitable for an Ex, an In-Law, or the Boss. For me I’d put my credit card in it.

Phantom Zone Crytsal Prison Krypton Superman Jor-el Kal-el Zod Ursa

The crystal prison ideally would spin like it’s film counterpart, so it needs a stand that would raise the crystal to give it the appearance of floating. It would then spin with the aid of a motor.

I designed three flavors - the one with a celestial and illuminated backdrop (top), which conceals the stand itself somewhat. The next one has no backdrop, just a few prongs to raise the frame (above), and the last one features a frame sits on the stand and rotates in the Y-axis (below).

For the picture you would need to print two copies, with one of the images mirrored. You would then cut out the person(s) in both pics, and glue/tape them back-to-back. The picture is then sandwiched within the frame.

I think this would make a great trinket on the desk. Maybe some clever DIYers can figure out a way for people to make one themselves?

Krypton Prison Jor-el General Zod Phantom Zone Picture Frame

If you like this or any other idea I have posted, please bug Thinkgeek on my behalf HERE. Just email them a link to this post, and tell them you want one! Your endorsement is much appreciated.

The Incredibles Blu-Ray Tin Case

Incredibles Blu-Ray Disney Pixar Special Collector's Edition Tin Case

With stitching only a suspicious wife could see!

One of the most wanted Blu-Rays for many is Disney/PIXAR’s The Incredibles. This film is yet to be released in HD format, though rumors speculate a Spring 2011 release date. UPDATE: According to many outlets, an announcement of a Spring 2011 release of The Incredibles has been confirmed by an announcement in the Toy Story 3 Blu-Ray release.

In anticipation of this, I have created a special collector’s tin that comes in the form of Mr. Incredible’s “retired” blue and black uniform.

I will admit, it feels like I am cheating as I essentially turned the display case Mr. Incredible used in his study into a Blu-Ray case.

Disney Pixar The Incredibles Blu-Ray combo pack special collector's Tin

In similar fashion to my BTTF Flux Capacitor Blu-Ray case, this is an enclosed tin making up the front cover of the package. The front cover could also be flat with a sunken-in cavity for the display area, but I prefer this layout.

I was a little hesitant at first to create this, as Seinfeld once released a DVD box set with that awful shirt prominent. Who wants to buy clothes, I thought to myself. What won me over was how great the display case and uniform looked in the film. It looks like a headless action figure - with the mask floating.

Blu-Ray tin collector's edition THE INCREDIBLES 2004 Disney Pixar Home Video

Speaking of action figures, that is exactly what this case would call for. A plastic, single mold (non pose-able) action figure. I would make an optional head for Mr. Incredible, for those who would prefer that. And because it’s just an action figure, you’re looking at a $5-7 premium towards the case, making it an attractive and affordable collector’s edition.

If there is one knock against the case, it is that it represents a lone hero instead of the family foursome the film revolves around. I don’t think that will deter fans of the film!

UPDATE (Jan 10/2011): I updated the art. Here are some new pics:

Incredibles BLu-Ray BD Disney Pixar 2011 daves geeky ideas

Daves Geeky Ideas Incredibles 2011 Pixar Disney Blu-Ray Tin Case BD

If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 6.5: Superman

If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture is a series of designs for geeks by a geek. These aren’t actual items for sale.

I am seriously in love with the Fortress desk I designed this past week, so much so I am contemplating having one made for myself. In toying with that possibility, I decided to create a corner desk as that is my preference. I decided to mess around and make a mockup, and here are the results.

It looks a lot closer to it’s movie counterpart, and…well check out the shape of the glass sections.

UPDATE: I put an ad in the Vancouver Craigslist looking for a talented craftsman to help with this. I was overwhelmed with responses (had to yank the ad!), and now I am busy at work on design schematics. I may even have those Donkey Kong shelves made too.


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