The DuoShaker 2 in 1 Shaker!

July 1, 2010

Even I am prone to the silliness of gadgets with names like Slap Chop, Shamwow, and the E-Z Juicer. So I decided, for a laugh, to create a kitchen gadget that will ‘improve’ your everyday life.

Commercial pitch: Introducing the Duoshaker! A 2 in 1 shaker! Now you can have Salt and Pepper in one dispenser! Wow!!!

How does this marvel of engineering work? Using technology pioneered by NASA in the 1960′s, the Duoshaker uses a patented* swing arm that holds the lids for both the Pepper and Salt. With a counter-balancing weight, simply tilt the DuoShaker forward to open the chamber! Not only does this reveal the dispenser, but it keeps the other chamber shut, allowing for a safe, easy dispersal of spice! Amazing!

No more having to juggle TWO separate shakers (show distraught person fumbling with 2 separate shakers), or having to endure cold food because you took too long to apply your Salt and Pepper (show sadface person)! With the DuoShaker, life is a breeze! It’s a snap to refill and is dishwasher safe!

But wait — there’s more! Order now and we’ll send you a SECOND Duoshaker - absolutely free! (Just pay shipping and handling). Now you can have TWO Duoshakers to replace your…hmmm that actually defeats the whole purpose of this product! The world will now implode from the sheer absurdity of this device!

End commercial. I haven’t used that many exclamation marks over the total history of this blog. *It’s not patented, fyi. And if I had a mulligan for this particular design, the counterweight would be in the middle of the shaker, not on the outside like a paint bucket handle.

Entry filed under: Appliances, Gadgets. Tags: , , .

RTS Game Wrinkles 2 Culinary Ideas

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