Two More Ideas Submitted To Toyota’s Ideas For Good

February 18, 2011

Two more ideas submitted to Toyota’s Ideas For Good competition. In this competition, you have to utilize one of five technologies developed by Toyota, and apply them to an idea that will benefit the world in some form. I already submitted my Buoyancy Power idea that used the ‘Hybrid Synergy Drive’ technology.

Next up, is a device that uses the sensors from Toyota’s advanced crash-test dummy, the THUMS system (Total HUman Model for Safety).

Pretty much what it looks like. A grenade that can be tossed into potential danger zones, but instead of exploding, it gathers a lot of data and relays it back to the team that has thrown/launched it.

It would detect threats like airborne toxins, fire/smoke levels, temperature, etc. Cameras and microphones could also be embedded.

This is ideal for first responders, underground Miners, and anyone venturing into what appears to be unsafe territory.

If there is a danger, it alerts the team via bluetooth transmission, or loud beeping noises/flashing lights.

To add your support, click here. It’s a one click process.

This next one uses Toyota’s AGPS (Advanced Guiding Parking System) to assist those who are vision impaired. I apologize for linking this tech used to help people parallel park in a way that is beneficial to blind persons. I hope I am not being insensitive.

Using the camera/sensor array from AGPS, I designed this handheld device which scans the immediate surroundings in real-time. Using this data, the handheld then creates a physical map representation for the User.

It accomplishes this mapping technique by using an electronic braille system. This system is laid out in a grid, and is comprised of braille cells that elevate from their individual sockets. To indicate a level area, the cells are slightly elevated. To indicate an obstacle, the cell(s) are fully raised. To indicate a drop-off/ledge, the cells would then sink below the surface. Each cell is roughly indicative of 2-3 square feet.

The center of the grid is empty - this is the indicator of where you are standing. The terrain of the grid is aligned to the forward direction you are pointing the handheld. Using your thumb, can then tell what is surrounding you.

So imagine walking down the sidewalk, and you can feel the curb drop-off on one side of the map, and the store front buildings lining the other side - you could walk parallel to these. You would even be notified of an obstacle or person in your immediate surroundings.

Toyota has a word limit, so I didn’t get to specify a few additional details: you’d probably need a secondary sensor, like a wrist watch on the hand you are not carrying this device, to help get a full 360 degree sweep.

To add your support, click here. It’s a one click process.

Entry filed under: Electronics, Gadgets, Transportation. Tags: , , .

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1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Always The Bridesmaid « Dave's Ideas  |  March 25, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    [...] I was notified by Toyota’s promotional company that my idea was selected as a finalist in their ‘Ideas for Good’ competition. Hurray! The idea was the guidance assistance gadget for the vision-impaired, which you can see here. [...]


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