Always The Bridesmaid

March 25, 2011

I was notified by Toyota’s promotional company that my idea was selected as a finalist in their ‘Ideas for Good’ competition. Hurray! The idea was the guidance assistance gadget for the vision-impaired, which you can see here.

Unfortunately the competition is open only to Americans located in the lower 48 States (the freak States need not apply either).

When I was notified I think Toyota suspected something. They gave me questionnaire clearly designed to identify Canadians: 1. What is the ‘Instigator Rule’? 2. Is Maple Syrup a staple in your diet? 3. Are you forced to listen to Nickelback by law? And so on and so forth.

Eventually, I caved-in and admitted my Canadian-ness. Oh the shame and embarrassment.

Lego Canuck Dave


All jokes aside: I was notified, given a few forms to fill out, I then saw all the rules and restrictions. I replied and told them the truth. They were very nice about it, and told me my entry could not be considered.

Hopefully Toyota evaluates my submissions and decides to take them to the next level. And not just my ideas, but the thousands of other great ideas submitted that would benefit everyone on this planet.

Entry filed under: Electronics, Safety. Tags: , , .

Kyle Z’s Train Station Ideas Please Support ‘Creamers’ Animated Short

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