Game Of Thrones Hockey Jersey: The Starks


Game Of Thrones DIrewolves Starks Hockey Jersey

Note: All hockey jersey offers are now at

Lately I’ve been held hostage by all things Game of Thrones. I took a moment to step back and realize all these different Kingdoms could be represented by sports teams. They each fly a banner bearing a sigil, usually depicting a fierce animal – much like a typical sports franchise would.

The above example shown is the Direwolf, which is emblematic of the House Stark. The Starks reign in the north, and their (foreboding) motto is “Winter is Coming”. To me it all screams hockey.

You could probably design several hockey leagues based on the huge number of banners in the Game of Thrones books, though only a few are prominent. The aforementioned Starks are the main protagonists. The evil Lannisters (I may be editorializing a bit) have the sigil of the Lion. The Targareyans fly the banner of the Dragon. Like Milwaukee, the Baratheons are represented by the Buck.

Game Of Thrones DIrewolves Starks Hockey Jersey

Sale mockup.

I know I frequently design hockey jerseys here, and you might think it’s because I’m Canadian and thus have a one-track mind. The real truth is hockey jerseys are a brilliant canvas on which to showcase a team’s identity. That logo on the chest is like a Superhero insignia. No other sport has a jersey or uniform where the team logo can be so prominent. EDIT: A friend tells me these would look better on a “football kit”. Well I say good day to you sir. GOOD DAY.

EDIT:  Got an email from Mark, who says the Stark sigil is a full-bodied silver Direwolf on a white background (white = ice/snow), and that the Baratheon sigil is the Stag, not a Buck. My bad. I won’t make a full-bodied Direwolf, but I’ll fix up the logo a bit:

Game Of Thrones DIrewolves Starks Hockey Jersey


Bonus art! Using the Tampa Bay Lightning royal blue alternate jersey:

Game Of Thrones DIrewolves Starks Hockey Jersey


I will design jerseys for the other Game of Thrones Houses eventually, stay tuned!

28 thoughts on “Game Of Thrones Hockey Jersey: The Starks

    1. There is no difference at all, but his point was the books use the ‘Stag’ terminology.

      Despite the heavy amounts of geekdom shown here in this blog, I am seldom ever corrected, which is a minor miracle. I’ll take my lumps!

  1. Wow…You have no idea how disappointed that I am that I JUST found this. Please toss me an email if you ever offer these again.

      1. They are not currently available (you just missed the 3rd run by a month), but stay tuned to for any and all future offers.

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