Geeky Beds Part 3: The Shoebox

Nike shoebox bed shoe furniture 2011 Dave Delisle

I love shoes as much as the next person, but not enough to collect them or anything like that. I am very much aware of the die-hard shoe enthusiasts, of which documentaries and songs have been made. And for those who love shoes, I offer this shoebox-themed bed.

It’s pretty simple: the bed frame is a giant replica of a shoebox, with the box lid placed underneath. The duvet cover would feature a print of some shoes, laid out as though they were in said box.

Given the big boxy look, I would probably have some shelves built-in at the base to store - what else - shoes. Scratch that - probably clothes and junk. You don’t want smelly shoes under your bed, unless you are one of those enthusiasts, who have a large rotation of shoes and deodorize all of them diligently.

Posted on August 7, 2011, in Fashion, Furniture, House and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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