A few weeks back I designed a digital camera with a View-Master theme. I was hard-pressed to come up with another camera idea that was as much fun. Then I asked myself: what other object would you hold in front of yourself like a camera? It then struck me: The Autobot Matrix Of Leadership.
The handles on the Matrix make for a perfect camera, much like those large box cameras from the 30’s and 40’s.
This design was made possible by using a Ring Flash. Otherwise I’d have difficulty placing the the flash and lens in a way that preserves the look of the Matrix.
YES!!! Killing Unicron and getting awesome shots in the process! Puts reflector to shame.
That would be hilarious to include an image of Unicorn screaming in agony in the internal memory.
So one would hold it as Ultra Magnus did, does this mean it wouldn’t work for anyone but HotRod? If I may suggest, 1-a trigger release somewhere on the handles so it doesn’t accidently open, and 2-when the shell is opened the lense extends out like when you turn most digis on. Sweet design man. My hat goes off to you.