All Valley Karate Kid Poster Now On Zazzle

Zazzle Poster Store Karate Kid

Sorry for the lack of updates lately! I’m still busy in my other blog, feel free to swing by. I hope to have some new stuff posted here soon, stay tuned.

I have added a second poster to my Zazzle store by popular demand: the All Valley Tournament one-sheet seen in The Karate Kid. Please click here or the image to go to the listing.

Zazzle has more size options and is friendlier for international shipping. That said you can still find this print on Imagekind, which usually has more promotions and has great pricing and service for North American customers.

I’ll be adding more of my pop culture prints to Zazzle in the coming weeks. My maps, which are based on North American cities, will remain exclusive to Imagekind.

Posted on August 20, 2013, in Art, Films, Sports and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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