Blog Archives
Sonic The Hedgehog Mailbox
A few years back I was going to post a few “geeky mailbox” designs but I got sidetracked and completely forgot about them. I recently played Sonic The Hedgehog and remembered this particular design using the checkpoint (aka “Star Post”) from the game.
This design is for my American neighbors, seeing as Canada’s residential mailboxes are being put out to pasture. Canada Post is run by a bunch of hosers, eh!
Initially I thought the Star Post would be cool for a lamp or outdoor lamp post design, however the bulb’s red and blue colors aren’t exactly friendly for illumination. I do think it would be awesome for a beer tap or gear shifter though.
Smart Mailboxes
The big news in Canada this week is that Canada Post will be phasing out door-to-door delivery for all urban centres (thanks Obama). This means Canadians who currently get mail delivered right to their house will now have to head to their friendly neighborhood communal mailbox to retrieve their mail. Read the rest of this entry