Posts tagged ‘Eureka’

EUReKA review Season 4 Episode 10 “O Little Town”

For the newcomers here I review the show Eureka, because it is the most creative show on television, as well as being one of the most entertaining. Also it doesn’t get the review love like most shows, so I take a stab at writing these.

Eureka has decided to bestow it’s fans with an episode right in the middle of it’s mid-season hiatus, with episode 9 airing way back in early September and episode 11 probably not hitting until Spring 2011 (or most likely, July).

What’s the occasion? A holiday-themed episode. I usually dismiss these holiday episodes outright because A) they are a diluted episode that strays from the show’s rhythm B) they are highly inconsequential to the overall show and C) they are often filled with holiday cliches. If it’s a standalone event like The Charlie Brown Christmas Special, then I’m more inclined to see it at face value. (more…)

Add comment December 8, 2010

EUReKA review Season 4 Episode 9 “I’ll Be Seeing You”

Okay, perhaps I was a bit harsh on the last episode, which aged a little better having 2 weeks to digest it. Allison and Carter’s romance doesn’t seem to be in danger of overstaying it’s welcome, as it wasn’t really the focal point of the show for these past 4 years - a la Ross and Rachel. Many of the events that were setup in the “Ex-Files” episode served as the foundation for this week’s “I’ll be seeing you”, making for one of the better finales Eureka has ever served up - though that is not saying much. (more…)

Add comment September 11, 2010

EUReKA review Season 4 Episode 8: “The Ex-Files”

This was probably one of the more anticipated episodes Eureka has ever had in the pipeline. The return of Nathan Stark, who was vaporized, er, dematerialized one year ago in Eureka time (two years in real time for fans keeping track).

And while his return provided a lot of entertaining mileage, the circumstances that brought him back were fortunately revealed very early on - he was merely a hallucination seen by Carter.

He wasn’t alone in seeing things, as Allison, Grant, Jo, and Fargo were also plagued by hallucinations featuring people from their past. (more…)

1 comment August 28, 2010

EUReKA Gets 5th Season!

This past week SyFy announced Eureka will be renewed for a 5th season, which is great news. The show is one-quarter of the way into its 4th season, which started up in July.

For a show that is still somewhat young, it has been around for a long time. It started up in July 2006, 5 years ago. Season 3 was stretched over a period of 15 months, and the breathers in between each season is typically 9 months, as opposed to the 3 or 4 months a network series would take off.

A few times it was thought the show might go on hiatus or get canceled. I could even argue that season 3′s finale seemed more like a series finale, so the show’s producers evidently prepared for the worst.

Spoiler Alert!

So with the show’s brief history stretched over a long period, this makes the upcoming return of 3 key characters a huge event:

Nathan Stark, who “died” in Eureka’s original timeline in Season 3. He sacrificed himself to save Eureka from disaster. He was Carter’s rival, and often ridiculed the sheriff directly (and effortlessly). His death aired in fall 2008, so it’s been 2 years since Stark was on the show (if you don’t include the clip show from late season 3).

Jim Taggart! Yes, Matt Frewer, the journeyman actor who springs up all over in Sci-Fi films and TV shows, was a series regular for the first season, but has been reduced to cameo appearances in season 2 and 3. He was wacky, delivered an awful aussie accent, and was blatantly over-the-top, but that made him a fan favorite. His brief fling with Lupo is still one of the bigger WTF moments the show has ever produced - and that is saying something.

And lastly Beverly Barlowe, who was the “Phantom Menace”-type villain in Season 1. Her return is very surprising, and may offer an opportunity to help better conclude Season 1, and perhaps provide a few answers for that whole “Artifact” storyline.

If Eureka ever had a flaw, it was their ongoing story arcs that fizzled in the end. The Artifact. Eva Thorne. Henry erasing Carter’s memory of an alternate timeline. Blah.

End spoiler alert.

It also seems Eureka loves ideas too. They have a page where you can submit an idea (gadget or invention), and it might even get featured on the show..or website…not sure. So now I am scrambling to think up something.

Add comment August 20, 2010

EUReKA review: Season 4 Episode 6: “Momstrosity″

Two very funny reactions to Carter's extremely transparent motives.

Edit: apparently the title was Momstrosity, not Monstrosity.

Dr. Grant really propelled this episode. He went toe-to-toe with Carter, in such a fashion that is in keeping with the character of a man from the late 40′s. In doing this he revealed a side that is willing to get down and dirty. At the same time he offered glimpses of humanity too. “It’s not easy being a man out of time.” Grant lamented, in probably the most sincere delivery of the episode. More so than Henry’s squabble, but more on Henry in a bit. (more…)

2 comments August 14, 2010

EUReKA review: Season 4 Episode 5: “Crossing Over”

This is an extra-large review, as this week’s episode crossed-over with it’s sibling show, Warehouse 13. Now you’d think the title of the episode might be referring to this event, but in actuality it nicely sums up this week’s catastrophe: where objects from the 1950′s suddenly start appearing in Eureka. (more…)

Add comment August 7, 2010

EUReKA review: Season 4 Episode 4: “The Story of O2″

Note: I will be reviewing the most inventive show on Television, EuREKA, because no one else wants to. I highly recommend catching up on this show, it’s a great diversion. The show in a nutshell: Sheriff Jack Carter, your average everyman, tries to keep order in a town called EuREKA. The top-secret town is populated entirely by scientific geniuses, where experiments and gadgets often go awry. The 4th season began with something of a reboot, as the consequences of a time-traveling mishap change just about everything. Check it out after the jump. (more…)

2 comments August 3, 2010


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