Smartphone Racing Wheel Dock

Tomy Turnin Turbo smartphone mod racing dock ipad iphone wireless charging design toy 2020 dave delisle

Here is a dock design that can wirelessly charge your smartphone or tablet, and lets you play your favorite racing game as well. This is based on the TOMY Turnin’ Turbo Dashboard toy from the 80’s, and is inspired by this neat mod I saw on Youtube. There was a time when gaming peripherals similar to this were made for smart devices, I doubt such a thing will ever happen again.

Bed Frame For Gadget Lovers


More furniture designed with geeks in mind, this is a simple bed frame that will hold your phone or tablet for you. Let’s be real, 99% of people climb into bed staring at a screen, so why not get the bed to hold it up for you?

Hitchhiker’s Guide Amazon Alexa Design


Amazon recently announced several new Alexa devices so I thought I would make one that is inspired by Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, at least the one seen in the movie (which used voice commands for queries). I sort of got carried away and made 5 devices in one package, see below.

Zelda Nintendo Switch Stand

Zelda Nintendo Switch Stand design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

This clear plastic stand makes it appear as though the system is floating above Link, almost like he just acquired this item. You can hear that music right now, huh?

Zelda Nintendo Switch Stand design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas

The fancy part is the USB cable, which clamps onto the Switch. It features a Triforce that illuminates when plugged in. When not in use, Link holds the USB cable.

Jurassic Park Tablet Theater

Jurassic Park Tablet Theater design by Dave Delisle

I haven’t done a Jurassic Park design in a long time, so how about this…boring desk? I’ll clear up the confusion shortly, but first let me start off by saying that I was inspired by this neat Millennium Falcon Theater. In that setup a tablet device is elevated, allowing users to lie underneath it and watch movies.

Star Trek Tablet Easel


This is a geeky easel for parking your tablet on your desk. The design is based on Picard’s computer from his ready room in the TNG series. The tandem of the tablet and easel makes it appear like a functioning Star Trek computer (which was also touchscreen on the show). This prop would be a great addition for geeks who refer to their workspace as a “ready room”.

It features an adjustable backboard (to tilt your tablet) and a Lazy Susan to swivel it in place. You could go a step further and make it a wireless charging dock as well. The front section could also provide some storage space (for office stationary). If you want to be really fancy a fake back-lit screen could be included in the easel for when there is no tablet in place.