Geeky Gadget Wish List #15: Star Wars Mouse

This mouse is based on the Thermal Detonator (or “glop grenade”) used by Boussh, the bounty hunter disguise adorned by Leia - her second-most popular outfit from Return of the Jedi. She threatened Jabba with this handheld device, now it can sit on your desk and look almost as menacing.

Because the detonator was a sphere that opened in the middle to form more of a capsule shape, I thought it could work as a mouse device. I had to stretch it a bit to be as ergonomic as a mouse though! The open cavity caused by “arming” the grenade is filled with a clear plastic.

Posted on June 24, 2010, in Computers, Gadgets, Robots and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. PS oops the ‘teeth’ of the Detonator don’t line up. My bad.

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