Crowd Sourcing Project To Revive Firefly

February 19, 2011

Image is from my 'shows that can continue on in animated form' post.

It’s been a few weeks or so since I hypothesized that crowd sourcing could be a tool to rejuvenate canceled shows. I theorized the best way to operate this, is that the studios create an opportunity for fans to buy into. It made sense, as the studios own the content.

I didn’t anticipate that an actor would spearhead a movement!

Nathan Fillion, who played Captain Malcolm Reynolds in the show Firefly, told Entertainment Weekly in an interview: “If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet.”

The money would be used to create new Firefly content, which would then air on the internet.

I don’t know how serious Nathan is, but a new movement was born with this fan-created website and Facebook page.

This is a great idea, but I reckon’ $300M is a bit much. The budget for the film Serenity is a reported $39M, which is still a bargain these days. I think $100M would be ideal for another theatrical release. A web series probably a measly $10M and a whole lot of favors.

The rights would be pricey to outright buy. Though it is a canceled show and dead film franchise, there is still money being made from ancillary DVD and merchandise sales. While Fox can’t commit to creating new Firefly content, they are making $ from the rights.

It is reasonable to assume that new Firefly shows would need to be made in cooperation with Fox. Then again, Fox gets a lot of grief for canceling the show - they’d earn a lot of currency with fans if they sold the rights to a better caretaker in Fillion.

Here’s hoping the Browncoats ride again!

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5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kal  |  February 19, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Can’t stop the signal ;)

    • 2. originaldave77  |  February 19, 2011 at 12:24 pm

      D’oh. I should have ended my post like that!

  • 3. Lori  |  February 22, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    I dunno, man. It’s just a little too creepy/breaking the fourth wall for me.

    I’m probably being old-fashioned here, but I guess I’ve always been a little freaked at the idea of fandom having that much false sense of power/influence/control with real things/people (see: Misha Collins). Fandom ain’t all rainbows and sunshine, imo.

    • 4. originaldave77  |  February 22, 2011 at 6:05 pm

      I didn’t think of the problems that may stem from having many cooks in the kitchen, it won’t be perfect, but better than nothing is the way I see it.

      I see it as a bunch of people pooling their money to see more of what they love. Would be nice if people pursued this type of initiative instead of, I don’t know, fighting gay marriage. A positive group collaboration that benefits everyone, harms no one.

      I’d draw the line at the financial contribution, and let the creative minds (Whedon and Co. here) do what they do best.

      Thanks, I threw that drawering together!

  • 5. Lori  |  February 22, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    THAT SAID, I LOVE YOUR ILLO OF MAL!!! It’s immediately recognizable. :D :D


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