Geek Bling Part 1: Superman

Geeky BLing Superman Kryptonite Necklace

Geek Bling is a followup to the Watch This series, wherein I try to address the shortage of bling geared towards fashionable geeks.

This one is pretty simple - a scaled-down replica of the Kryptonite chain that Superman wore (against his will) in the first movie. It was cleverly bestowed upon the Man of Steel by Lex Luthor.

It really pains me to say this, but the makers of Smallville did something right in allowing fans to buy a replica of the Kryptonite chain worn by Lana in the first few seasons of the show. Very forward thinking. But alas, nothing from the first film is currently available.

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Posted on May 23, 2011, in Comics, Fashion, Films and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. your ideas are fast becoming mixed up in my brain with MTV’s geeky-blog feed, which I also have RSS’d to my LJ. It’s kind of awesome when I have to check and realize that what you post is an idea from someone I know, and not something that’s been designed, marketed and publicized on a national corporate website. :D

    OMG does this comment even make sense. It’s not a backhanded compliment, I swear! I’m really impressed!

    • Thanks! Your comment does make sense. I watch a lot of HBO, so I can interpret with confidence even the most complex and abstract assertions. I only…pretend…to appear confused and befuddled. Yeah that’s it.

  2. Where i can buy it? :)

  1. Pingback: News And Notes « Dave's Ideas

  2. Pingback: Now Available: Handmade Superhero Jewelry « Dave's Geeky Ideas

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