Gearhead Bedroom Design

Hydraulic Car Lift bed by Dave's Geeky Ideas

Here is a design for the gearheads. The bed frame is based on a car lift; the dresser is based on a tool drawer; and finally a light that is based on the one mechanics use to look underneath cars with (well, it could be the exact same light to be honest). You could even park a car-shaped bed on the lift.

6 thoughts on “Gearhead Bedroom Design

  1. I would like to see a Star Wars bedroom. You know, light sabers, death star as a lamp, a bed in shape of Millenium Falcon etc 🙂 That would be some cool stuff. Star Trek would also be a nice theme. Alarm with a sounds of warp 9 🙂

  2. Seriously want this for my son! He is 5 and even drew me a picture of the lift for his garage themed room he wants

  3. Is this bed available? Could it be made to actually lift so that a trundle bed could be underneath? I really want it for my grandson

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