If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 20: LEGO Desks/Shelves

LEGO Desk Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas.com

This puts a new spin on desk drawers or shelves: a small separate reservoir in the front of the drawer that would hold Lego. This adds a colorful decorative touch to your workspace, and provides that satisfying sound of Lego clattering as you open and close the drawer.

Ideal for desks, shelves, and storage organizers. You could use plastic tubs or any drawer that has a window opening in the front. A lid for the reservoir might be helpful too.

Lego would be the best use of these reservoirs, however you could put whatever you want in there: thumb tacs, color markers, gumballs, etc.

For the other IKEA designs click here.

Posted on May 6, 2013, in Furniture, Toys and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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