Well THAT Didn’t Take Long

Seeing a whole bunch of designs online for a folding scale eerily similar to mine:

I can assure you there was no such thing as a folding scale when I posted this on June 9, 2010. I frequently get a lot of searches for ‘folding scale’, so I figured it would be a matter of time before a prototype surfaced.

And one did: http://www.cesaroni.com/industries/housewares/Health-o-meter_Folding_Scale.php

Am I mad? Not in the least. It’s become an actual product people will benefit from. Heck, I’d even buy one. It’s a feather in my cap, that is for sure.

Plus I post all my ideas with the intention of sharing them, which has benefited me personally in a lot of ways (which I cannot talk about - just yet).

Posted on March 10, 2011, in Electronics and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I’m glad you were instrumental in getting this to market, even if only to inspire its development.

    Personally, I would go the quick, dirty and cheap route and get a similar device for perhaps $10.

    Would need 1- screw-in door or cabinet handle; 1 - 1/2″ x 2′ wooden dowel (or stainless steel towel rod) and 2 - finial mounting hooks.

    Screw the handle into the front middle side of the scale, being careful to avoid the mechanism/electronics or restricting the movement of the platform;
    Epoxy the rod midway up the back of the scale, centering the scale from either end;
    mount the finial rod holders to the baseboard in the bathroom - about 1.75 ft. apart;
    Rest the rod in the brackets; the scale should now sit on the floor ready for use, when done, use your foot to lift the handle and flip the scale to rest on the wall, using the finial bracket as the hinge/pivot.

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