Interior Design Idea: Star Trek Holodeck Wallpaper

Star Trek Wallpaper 2011 Dave Delisle

UPDATE: I am aware that Community did this for their “Dreamatorium”, I made this post a few months before that episode aired. Great minds think alike! Original post as follows:

While many people can’t wait for the holodecks/holosuites from Star Trek to become a reality, who is to say you can’t have a room that looks like one? By using Wallpaper (or a lot of paint and tape), the holodeck grid could be plastered all over the walls. All you need is a dark light.

Not only is this undeniably geeky, but it would look like all your furniture and belongings were commissioned by some virtual program.

To complete the look, the rug would need to be black, and two sides of the room would bevel into the ceiling and floor. The pièce de résistance: the door would look similar to the holodeck door (though the sliding door mechanic would be tough to execute).

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Posted on September 21, 2011, in Architecture, Fashion, Films, Furniture, TV and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Cool wallpaper ! Since you refer to Star Trek: check out the 3d effect of our 3d wall paper on , 3d shaped wall panels in 16 different designg. Eco friendly and modern wall decor !

  1. Pingback: Home Exterior Decoration Idea: Lego-fy Your House « Dave's Geeky Ideas

  2. Pingback: If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 17: Star Trek Lamp « Dave's Geeky Ideas

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