The Hobbit Blu-Ray Case Design

The Hobbit Blu-Ray Case Design 2010 Dave Delisle

Here is a simple design based on Bilbo’s door from the LOTR trilogy. I made it to be about the same height as a Blu-Ray jewel case here, but if I had a mulligan it would be about the same height and width as a CD case.

The Hobbit Blu-Ray Case Design 2010 Dave Delisle


Posted on December 18, 2010, in Architecture, Films and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Fantastic in all but one detail… it should be green.

  2. I wish that the Gandalf lamp was available to buy. id totally get it.

  1. Pingback: Monsters Inc Blu-Ray Player | Dave's Geeky Ideas

  2. Pingback: If IKEA Made Geeky Furniture Part 10: Lord of the Rings | Dave's Geeky Ideas

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