Watch This! Part 1: Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Geeky Wrist Watch Designs 2011 Dave Delisle

A wristwatch based on Link’s Ocarina. The display is spread between the instrument’s openings. Would be nice if this watch played chimes (like the song of time) at hourly intervals.

Posted on April 27, 2011, in Clothes, Fashion, Video Games and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. i would totally buy this ;___; want it so bad….

  2. i think you could totally make a lot of money if you ran with this idea, created a prototype, and presented it to rolex, timex, etc,

  3. Do You know how much my friends who pay for this?! I would throw my money at you! I NEED IT! <3

  1. Pingback: Zelda Lamp And Clock Combo « Dave's Geeky Ideas

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