Canadian Army Knife USB Keychain

Swiss Army Knife USB power bank wall adapter 2019 Canadian Dave Delisle davesgeekyideas Dave's Geeky Ideas

That’s right, Canadian Army Knife, because what have the Swiss ever done? Nationality aside, this is something I would’ve liked a month ago when I was traveling: an all-in-one USB thingy so I’d have less junk to deal with.

Magic 8-Ball Personal Assistant


The Magic 8-Ball is a toy that people interacted with much like they would with today’s personal assistants Alexa or Siri; they asked questions, the 8-Ball provided answers, albeit random ones. Amazon’s Echo Spot devices inspired me to draw up this design.

Nintendo Switch Protective Case Design

nintendo switch case design donkey kong nintendo 2019 dave delisle dave's geeky ideas davesgeekyideas

This can also be done with Pikachu and his tail, however I went with Donkey Kong because I dig his tie. This is a protective case with a picture frame stand and game storage. Do read on!

Spaceballs The Hygiene Products


The final battle in Spaceballs took place in a washroom (I think) that was filled with hygiene products like those seen above. Thought I’d whip up a design and some bonus materials to allow fans to make their own Spaceballs-themed hygiene products.